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Vertebrate Paleontology

Dr. Lucas Ernesto Fiorelli


Postdoctoral Student at CRILAR - CONICET, Argentina.

Research Interests

Mesozoic continental faunas and their geological settings.


Lic. Martín Hechenleitner


PhD. Student at CRILAR - CONICET, Argentina.

Research Interests

Mesozoic oviparous vertebrates.


La Rioja Province, northwest Argentina, is already well-known for its continental Triassic Los Chañares and Los Colorados formations which have a famous vertebrate fossil fauna. Here there has been the origin of turtles, mammals, dinosaurs and crocodiles.

In addition, recently has begun several explorations and researches on new Cretaceous levels located in Los Llanos of La Rioja. These works allowed the recognition of the extraordinary sauropod nesting site of Sanagasta and the establishment of the first Cretaceous faunal assemblage for the province.

Our researches focus on these Mesozoic paleoenvoronments from La Rioja province and their vertebrate paleofauna, its evolution, taphonomy and paleobiogeography.


Tec. Sergio de la Vega


Technician at CRILAR - CONICET, Argentina.


Extraction and preparation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic vertebrates.


L a R i o j a ,  A r g e n t i n a 

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